JAAT organized the 1st Executive Committee meeting (FY2018)

JSPS Alumni Association of Thailand (JAAT) organized the Executive Committee (EC) meeting on 25 April at the conference room of National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT). This is the 1st EC meeting in FY2018.

At the beginning, Director Prof. Yamashita introduced three new staff members at JSPS Bangkok office, Deputy Director Mr. Tomiyama, International Associates Mr. Niihara and Ms. Minowa.

During the meeting, JAAT mainly discussed the following topics;

  1. Approval of minutes of FY2017 6th JAAT Executive Committee Meeting and the JAAT General Assembly Meeting which are held on February 8, 2018
  2. Year plan for JAAT in FY2018
  3. Financial report
  4. JAAT member application/connections

JAAT decided to organize a symposium co-hosted by JSPS and NRCT in August as a part of the Thailand Research Expo 2018. In addition, JAAT will conduct other annual events (RONPAKU medal ceremony, for example) as same time schedule of FY2017.





The next JAAT EC meeting is planning to be held on 4 July.