JAAT organized the 1st Executive Committee

JSPS Alumni Association of Thailand (JAAT) organized the 1st Executive Committee on 23 April, 2015 at the office of National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT).

The main agendas were as follows:

1.  Introduction of new members
Dr. Sunee Mallikamarl, the President of JAAT, introduced 14 JAAT EC Members and observers in the year 2015. As for the notice of resignation from one Exco member, it will be approved in the next General Assembly according to the JAAT reguration.

2.  Approval and sharing the minutes of the 6th JAAT General Assemble Meeting on February 27, 2015

3.  JAAT Seminar at NRCT Research Expo, 9:00-12:00 am. on 16August, 2015
The theme and speakers will be finalized in the next meeting.

4.  JAAT directory and membership ID
JAAT directory form will be prepared and uploaded on JAAT website. From April 2015, JAAT will send membership cards and JSPS Alumni Badges to new members by post.

5.  JAAT Logo
Current logo will be retained.

6.  Others
JAAT will invite Dr. Busaba Yongsmith, the former President to the next JAAT Executive Committee Meeting.
The next JAAT Executive Committee meeting will be held in June.

Please click the PDF below to read the minutes of the Executive Committee.