2024/5/27 "Recent Developments in Molecular Catalysis (India - Japan S&T Chapter Seminars)" sponsored by IJAA
2024/3/11 2nd JSPS Alumni Association Presidents Meeting in South and Southeast Asia was held
2024/1/9 JAAT organized the 4th Executive Committee meeting (FY2023)
2023/11/9 NJAA held “The Eighth Symposium of Nepal JSPS Alumni Association”
2023/9/22 IJAA held “13th India-Japan Science and Technology Conclave: International Conference on Frontier Areas of Science and Technology (ICFAST-2023)”
2023/9/18 JSPS Bangkok Office held “1st JSPS Alumni Association President Meeting in South and South East Asia”
2023/8/24 JAAT organized the 3rd Executive Committee meeting (FY2023)
2023/7/14 JSPS Alumni Association of Philippines (JAAP) held the hybrid seminar of Seminar Series “GREENING THE ECONOMY WITH SCIENCE, INNOVATION AND FINANCE”
2023/7/13 JAAT organized the Executive Committee meeting (FY2023)
2022/4/23 JAAP held its 1st lecture of WEBINAR SERIES 2022 “Climate Change Resiliency & Disaster Risk Reduction”
2022/3/24 JAAI organized the General Assembly and the 5th International Symposium
2022/3/19 JAAT held the NRCT-JSPS-JAAT Seminar
2021/11/23 JAAP held 2021 National Research Forum and Awarding of Outstanding Filipino JSPS Fellow
2021/10/28 JAAP held the 3rd JAAP International Research and Development Conference
2021/10/12 JSPS Alumni Association of Malaysia (JAAM) organized forum entitled “Deep Dive Into the Journey of Women in Ocean Science”
2021/9/25 JSPS Alumni Association of Philippines (JAAP) held the 9th lecture of WEBINAR SERIES 2021 “LIVING IN THE NEW NORMAL AND BEYOND”
2021/8/28 JSPS Alumni Association of Philippines (JAAP) held the 8th lecture of WEBINAR SERIES 2021 “LIVING IN THE NEW NORMAL AND BEYOND”
2021/8/7 JAAM organized the 2nd Annual General Meeting (FY2021)
2021/7/31 JSPS Alumni Association of Philippines (JAAP) held the 7th lecture of WEBINAR SERIES 2021 “LIVING IN THE NEW NORMAL AND BEYOND”
2021/7/28 JSPS Alumni Association of Indonesia (JAAI) organized the VIRTUAL KICK-OFF SEMINAR “Integrated Actions of Peatland and Mangrove Restoration and Sustainable Development through Bio-village Concept”
2021/7/16 【Notice】JSPS Alumni Association of Indonesia (JAAI) is organizing the VIRTUAL KICK-OFF SEMINAR “Integrated Actions of Peatland and Mangrove Restoration and Sustainable Development through Bio-village Concept”
2021/6/26 JSPS Alumni Association of Philippines (JAAP) held the 6th lecture of WEBINAR SERIES 2021 “LIVING IN THE NEW NORMAL AND BEYOND”
2021/5/29 JSPS Alumni Association of Philippines (JAAP) held the 5th lecture of WEBINAR SERIES 2021 “LIVING IN THE NEW NORMAL AND BEYOND”
2021/4/24 JSPS Alumni Association of Philippines (JAAP) held the 4th lecture of WEBINAR SERIES 2021 “LIVING IN THE NEW NORMAL AND BEYOND”
2021/3/27 JSPS Alumni Association of the Philippines (JAAP) held the 3rd lecture of WEBINAR SERIES 2021 “LIVING IN THE NEW NORMAL AND BEYOND”
2021/3/18 JSPS Alumni Association of Indonesia (JAAI) organized the 4th International Symposium and General Assembly
2021/3/13 Bangladesh JSPS Alumni Association (BJSPSAA) organized the 12th “International Seminar and Annual General Meeting
2021/3/11 【Notice】Bangladesh JSPS Alumni Association (BJSPSAA) is organizing the 12th International Seminar "COVID-19 PANDEMIC: CRISIS TO HOPE" and Annual General Meeting
2021/3/6 【Notice】JSPS Alumni Association of Indonesia (JAAI) is organizing the 4th International Symposium and General Assembly
2021/2/27 JSPS Alumni Association of the Philippines (JAAP) held the 2nd lecture of WEBINAR SERIES 2021 “LIVING IN THE NEW NORMAL AND BEYOND”
2021/2/24 【Notice】JSPS Alumni Association of the Philippines (JAAP) is organizing the 2nd lecture of WEBINAR SERIES 2021 “LIVING IN THE NEW NORMAL AND BEYOND”
2021/1/25 JSPS Alumni Association of the Philippines (JAAP) held the 1st lecture of WEBINER SERIES 2021 “LIVING IN THE NEW NORMAL AND BEYOND”
2021/1/21 【Notice】JSPS Alumni Association of the Philippines (JAAP) is organizing the 1st lecture of WEBINAR SERIES 2021 “LIVING IN THE NEW NORMAL AND BEYOND”
2020/12/19 JSPS Alumni Association of the Philippines (JAAP) held the 4th lecture of WEBINAR SERIES 2020 “COPING WITH COVID-19 PANDEMIC”
2020/11/27 JSPS Alumni Association of the Philippines (JAAP) held the National Research Forum, Awarding of Outstanding Filipino JSPS Fellows and General Assembly
2020/11/1 Nepal JSPS Alumni Association (NJAA) held the Sixth Symposium by webinar
2020/10/31 JSPS Alumni Association of the Philippines (JAAP) held the 3rd lecture of WEBINER SERIES 2020 “COPING WITH COVID-19 PANDEMIC”
2020/10/21 JSPS Alumni Association of Indonesia (JAAI) held the Web Lecture
2020/9/26 JSPS Alumni Association of the Philippines (JAAP) held the 2nd lecture of WEBINER SERIES 2020 “COPING WITH COVID-19 PANDEMIC”
2020/9/14 JSPS Alumni Association Malaysia (JAAM) held the JAAM-JSPS-ASM Symposium (Webinar)
2020/8/29 JSPS Alumni Association of the Philippines (JAAP) held the 1st lecture of WEBINER SERIES 2020 “COPING WITH COVID-19 PANDEMIC”
2020/7/24 JSPS Alumni Association of Indonesia (JAAI) held the Web Lecture
2020/2/19 JSPS Alumni Association of Thailand (JAAT) Executive Committee Meeting, JAAT General Assembly, JSPS RONPAKU Medal Award Ceremony and Presentations by RONPAKU Medal Awardee and HOPE meeting participant
2020/2/18 NRCT-JSPS-JAAT seminar “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Thailand and Japan”
2020/1/20 JAAT organized the 5th Executive Committee meeting (FY2019)
2019/12/5 JSPS Alumni Association of the Philippines (JAAP) held the 2nd International Conference
2019/11/6 JAAT organized the 4th Executive Committee meeting (FY2019)
2019/10/31 JSPS Alumni Association Indonesia (JAAI) held the 3rd International Symposium and General Assembly
2019/10/14 Nepal JSPS Alumni Association (NJAA) held 5th annual symposium in Kathmandu, Nepal
2019/10/9 JAAT organized the 3rd Executive Committee meeting (FY2019)
2019/7/24 JAAT organized the 2nd Executive Committee meeting (FY2019)
2019/5/28 JAAT organized the 1st Executive Committee meeting (FY2019)
2019/3/19 Launching Ceremony of JSPS Alumni Association Malaysia was held at USM
2019/2/21 JAAT General Assembly and JSPS RONPAKU Medal Award Ceremony
2019/2/21 NRCT-JSPS-JAAT seminar “Sustainable Development Goals in Thailand and Japan -Smart City and Urban Development-”
2019/1/23 JAAT organized the 4th EC meeting (FY2018)
2019/1/21 【Notice】NRCT-JSPS-JAAT seminar in February
2018/11/7 JAAT organized the 3rd EC meeting (FY2018)
2018/10/5 Nepal JSPS Alumni Association (NJAA) held the 4th annual symposium in Kathmandu, Nepal
2018/9/26 JSPS Alumni Association of Indonesia (JAAI) held the 2nd International Symposium
2018/9/5 JAAP 6th Symposium held at Central Luson State University (CLSU) in Muñoz, Philippines
2018/8/9 NRCT-JSPS-JAAT seminar was held at Thailand Research EXPO 2018
2018/7/4 JAAT organized the 2nd Executive Committee meeting (FY2018)
2018/4/25 JAAT organized the 1st Executive Committee meeting (FY2018)
2018/3/12 JAAT BRIDGE Fellowship Program for FY2018 nominating committee meeting
2018/2/15 Bridge Fellowship Program FY2018 nominating committee meeting and courtesy visit to the Embassy of Japan in the Philippines
2018/2/8 JSPS Alumni Association of Thailand (JAAT) Executive Committee Meeting, JAAT General Assembly, JSPS RONPAKU Medal Award Ceremony and Presentations on Ph. D. thesis by 2016 RONPAKU Medal Awardees
2018/2/8 JSPS-NRCT-JAAT Seminar “EEC and Sustainable Development”
2017/11/2 JAAT organized the 5th Executive Committee
2017/10/28 JSPS Alumni Association Indonesia (JAAI) held General Assembly and the first International Symposium
2017/9/28 JAAT organized the 4th Executive Committee
2017/9/22 NJAA 3rd Symposium held in Pokhara, Nepal
2017/8/22 JAAT organized the 3rd Executive Committee
2017/6/22 JAAT organized the 2nd Executive Committee
2017/4/27 JAAT organized the 1st Executive Committee
2017/3/9 JSPS Alumni Association of Indonesia (JAAI) Inauguration ceremony
2017/3/2 JAAT Bridge Fellowship Program for FY2017 nominating committee meeting
2017/2/27 Bridge Fellowship Program FY2017 nominating committee meeting and courtesy visit to the Embassy of Japan in the Philippines
2017/2/9 JSPS Alumni Association of Thailand (JAAT) Executive Committee Meeting, JAAT General Assembly, JSPS-NRCT RONPAKU Medal Award Ceremony and Presentations on Ph. D. thesis by 2015 RONPAKU Medal Awardees
2017/2/9 JSPS-JAAT-NRCT Seminar “Research for Sustainable Life”
2016/12/15 JAAT organized the 5th Executive Committee
2016/11/28 BJSPSAA organized the Executive Committee
2016/11/17 Declaration and Congress of JSPS Alumni Association of Indonesia
2016/11/9 JAAT organized the 4th Executive Committee
2016/10/2 NJAA 2nd Symposium and General Assembly held in Kathmandu
2016/9/14 JAAT organized the 3rd Executive Committee
2016/7/29 4th JAAP Research Symposium and General Assembly held in Manila
2016/7/13 JAAT organized the 2nd Executive Committee
2016/4/27 JAAT organized the 1st Executive Committee
2016/3/7 Bridge Fellowship Program FY2016 nominating committee meeting and courtesy visit to the Embassy of Japan in the Philippines
2016/2/26 JSPS Alumni Association of Thailand (JAAT) Exco Meeting, JSPS-NRCT RONPAKU Medal Award Ceremony, Presentaion on Ph. D. thesis by 2014 RONPAKU Medal Awardees and JAAT General Assembly
2016/2/25 JSPS-JAAT-NRCT Seminar “Academia Responsibility for Sustainable Society-Lessons Learned from Social Business”
2016/1/21 Nepal JSPS Alumni Association (NJAA) convened the launching ceremony and the 1st scientific symposium
2016/1/13 JAAT organized the 6th Executive Committee
2015/11/18 JAAT organized the 5th Executive Committee
2015/10/1 JAAT organized a Working Group Meeting