On February 20, 2025, the JSPS Alumni Association of Indonesia (JAAI) held the 8th International Symposium of JSPS Alumni Association of Indonesia at Gadjah Mada University in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
The theme of the symposium was “JAAI’s Role Towards an Adaptive, Resilient and Sustainable Indonesia,” and Japanese and Nepalese researchers gave presentations.
Director Otani gave a speech, and Deputy Director Fukuda explained JSPS’s programs.
The symposium was held in a hybrid format, with 150 viewers watching online.
In addition to the lecture sessions, the symposium also featured a signing ceremony for a memorandum of understanding between the Indonesian Researcher Union and the JSPS Alumni Association of Indonesia (JAAI) and a medal award ceremony for graduates of the JSPS RONPAKU program.
Lecture Titles
■ Enhancing the Research and Innovation Ecosystem(Dr. Prakoso Bhairawa Putra (Director of RTI Policy Formulation, BRIN))
■ Policy and Transformation of Higher Education, Science, and Technology(Dr. Berry Juliandi S.Si., M.Si.)
■The Role of Professional Research Organizations in Increasing International Collaboration(Prof. Dr. Bambang Subiyanto, M. Agr.)
■The Role of Geothermal Energy in NDC in Indonesia(Prof. Agung Harijoko (Faculty of Engineering, , Universitas Gadjah Mada))
■Marine Potentials, Innovations, and Translational Pathways in the Context of Sustainable Development(Prof. Alim Isnansetyo (Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Gadjah Mada))
■Technology Transfer of Nature-inspired Bioceramics for Bone Regeneration(Prof. Maria Pau Ginebra (University Politechnica de Catalunya))
■European Regulation on Medical Devices(Prof. Nesrin Hasirci (Middle East Technical University))
■Development of Integrated Bio-circular Economy from Food and Energy Estate Waste Fraction to Biofuel and Bio-chemicals Using Microorganisms(Prof. Chiaki Ogino (Kobe University))
Director Otani giving opening remarks
Deputy Director Fukuda explaining about JSPS international programs