Nepal JSPS Alumni Association (NJAA) and JSPS Bangkok Office jointly organized the “The Eighth Symposium of Nepal JSPS Alumni Association” on November 1st in Kathmandu, Nepal. The theme of this seminar was ” Transport Connectivity in Nepal: Challenges and Opportunities” and a total of five speakers, including two persons from Japan and three persons from Nepal, gave presentations.
At the beginning of the symposium, the Director Otani delivered opening remarks. Next, presentations were given by Professor Shigeru Morichi, Deputy Director General Yukihiro Koizumi, Prof. Bishal Nath Upreti, Dr. Surya Raj Acharya, and Mr. Rohit Kumar Bisural such as traffic situation in Nepal, transport policies in other countries, and issues related to transport in Nepal.
Lecture Titles
■ Key Issues for the Urban Railway and Transit Oriented Development
(Prof. Shigeru Morichi, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies)
■ Mountain Roads in Nepal: Need for Alternative Approach for Construction
(Prof. Bishal Nath Upreti, Academician, Nepal Academy of Sciences and Technology)
■ Leap-Frogging in Transport Sector of Nepal: Challenges and the Way Forward
(Dr. Surya Raj Acharya, Infrastructure Policy Specialist)
■ Railway development in Nepal: current state and the way forward
(Mr. Rohit Kumar Bisural, Director General, Department of Railways)
■ Japan’s Cooperation in Nepal for Smooth Connectivity
(Yukihiro Koizumi, Deputy Director General (Infrastructure and Management Department) JICA Headquarters, Tokyo)