On January 18, JSPS Bangkok Office organized a JSPS guidance seminar at the University of Yangon, Myanmar. It was the third time since February 2016.
The seminar was kicked off with the Welcome address and Opening remarks by Dr. Omar Kyaw, Pro-Rector, University of Yangon who had studied at Hiroshima University for 7 years and obtained the PhD..
After photo session with all about 100 participants, Prof. Kuniaki Yamashita, Director, JSPS Bangkok Office, expressed his gratitude for holding the seminar, followed by the presentation on JSPS’s outline and activities of JSPS Bangkok office by Ms. Noriko Furuya, Deputy Director. Then, Ms. Akiko Doi and Mr. Kohei Saito, both of International Program Associate introduced JSPS international program such as “Fellowship programs”, “RONPAKU program”, “Bilateral program” and “Core-to-Core program” respectively
Next, Dr. Daw Kay Thwe Hlaing, Professor, Department of Geography, who had studied at the University of Tokyo under the MEXT scholarship and who has research experience in Mie university as a JSPS Postdoctoral Fellow and Dr. Daw Kay Lwin Tun, Associate Professor, Department of Zoology, who conducted research in the University of Tokyo as a JSPS Invitation Fellow (Long-term), introduced research activities and life in Japan. Precise explanation of the application procedure in Myanmar language enabled the participants to understand deeply.
Last speaker, Dr. Mutsuaki Suzuki, Director, Intellectual Property Unit, National Institute of Genetic, spoke on the topic “Introduction of technological innovation capability and Nagoya protocol implementation in Japanese University”.
In the Q&A session that followed, many questions were raised by young researchers including requirement and screening of each program mainly Fellowship programs and RONPAKU program.
Last of all, Prof. Dr. Daw Hnin Hnin Aye, Professor&Head, Department of Chemistry, University of Yangon delivered a closing remark. She mentioned that JSPS programs would contribute to capacity building for researchers and encouraged participants to apply for JSPS programs.