On February 23, JSPS Bangkok Office organized a JSPS guidance seminar at Prince of Songkla University (PSU), a public university established in 1967 as the first university in Southern Thailand. We annually hold the same seminar since FY 2013 and this is the fifth time.
The seminar was opened with welcome address and opening remarks by Assoc. Prof. Perapong Tekasakul, Vice president for Research System and Graduate Studies of PSU, who conducted research with Kanazawa University for three years since 2006 under the JSPS and NRCT Bilateral Program.
In the introduction of JSPS activities in East Asia and JSPS international program, Prof. Kuniaki Yamashita, Director, JSPS Bangkok Office, expressed his gratitude for holding the seminar, followed by Ms. Noriko Furuya, Deputy Director explained JSPS’s outline and activities of JSPS Bangkok office. Then, Ms. Akiko Doi and Mr. Kohei Saito, both of International Program Associate introduced JSPS international programs such as “Fellowship programs”, “RONPAKU program”, “Bilateral program” and “Core-to-Core program” respectively.

Afterwards, Assoc. Prof. Perapong Tekasakul, Vice president and Dr. Vannarat Saechan, Executive committee of JSPS Alumni Association of Thailand (JAAT), who has research experiences with University of Tokyo under the JSPS’s Core university program and with Tohoku University through re-invitation program (BRIDGE Fellowship Program), also made presentation. They introduced their research activities and life in Japan and mentioned how important to make human network with other researchers.
Some 25 participants, mainly young researchers attended the seminar. In the Q&A session, they asked questions about requirements for application and its process and showing high interest in JSPS international collaboration program.