On June 2, JSPS Bangkok Office organized a JSPS guidance seminar at Chiang Mai University. We annually hold the same seminar since FY 2013 and this is the fifth time.
Before the seminar, we made a courtesy visit to Assoc. Prof. Avorn Opatpatanakit, Acting Vice President for Social Engagement. She gave us a good news that the university has prepared project funding for Thai researchers to conduct collaborative research with Japanese researchers through Open Partnership Joint Research Projects/Seminars.
The seminar was kicked off with the Welcome address and opening remarks by Assoc. Prof. Komgrit Leksakul, Acting Director of Research Administration Center.
Prof. Kuniaki Yamashita, Director of JSPS Bangkok Office, expressed his gratitude for holding the seminar, followed by the presentation on JSPS’s outline by Ms. Noriko Furuya, Deputy Director, and the introduction of its international programs by Ms. Akiko Doi and Mr. Kohei Saito, International Program Associates respectively.
Afterwards, two JAAT members, Dr. Narongchai Autsavapromporn, who conducted research activities at National Institute of Radiological Sciences (NIRS) as a JSPS fellow and participant of HOPE Meeting 2016, and Dr. Suraphong Lorsomradee, who obtained her PhD at Keio University under RONPAKU Program, introduced their experiences such as application process and research activities in Japan.
The last speaker, Dr. Nobutaka Ito, Visiting Professor of Chiang Mai University, delivered a speech.
In the Q&A session, participants including Prof. Kiyoshi Yoshikawa, Research Advisor to the President of Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna, asked questions about JSPS international collaboration programs and most of participants showed highly interested in it.

Prof. Kiyoshi Yoshikawa, Research Advisor to the President of Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna